
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-1,

21/09/2018 Chapter 2: Nachiketas’ First Two Boons -1. Spiritual practice, which is an adventure of the spirit, is the esoteric significance of the epic story of the Kathopanishad. Nachiketas, the aspiring intelligent lad, is face to face with the great Lord Yama who has sanctioned three boons as a sort of compensation, as it were, for the fast and vigil which the boy observed for three days. The boy could have asked for anything. It was a blank check presented before him; he could write anything on it. Very intelligently the boy chose the three boons step by step, perhaps with deep consideration. The manner in which the boons were asked by Nachiketas, and the things that were asked, indicate the manner in which every spiritual seeker has to conduct himself in his disciplined career. In our spiritual living we are expecting something. We are asking for a favour, and this is exactly the choosing of the boon. What for is this spiritual life? What is the outcome of religion? Wha