The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 3.10 Swami Krishnananda

========================================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27/02/2020. Chapter 3: Nachiketas’ Third Boon-10. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. However, the difficulty arises because we are trying to think God, to think an answer to a Universal question, and the Universal cannot be thought by the mind. This is the reason why we cannot get a humanly intelligible answer to this query. A Universal situation cannot be conceived by a particular mind. A particular person, a particular reasoning or logic can conceive a particular circumstance but not a Universal circumstance. #Therefore, God cannot be thought by the mind, and we cannot know what moksha is. Moksha is entry into Universality; we may call it God, Ishvara, Brahman, the Absolute. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...