
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.8 : Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------- Monday, November 23, 2020. 06:58.PM. Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 8. -------------------------- Hard is this way. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way. Strait: very narrow. One cannot pass through that gate. The path of the spirit is compared to the track of birds in the sky which is not visible to the eyes, or the path of fish in the water which cannot be seen physically. The birds have a path in the sky, but we cannot see that path.  Ksurasya dhara nisita duratyaya; durgam pathas tat kavayo vadanti (Katha 1.3.14) :  Like the edge of a razor which is subtle and cannot be seen by the eyes, so is the subtlety and the sharpness of the path of the spirit. It is not a wide national highway on which we can roll, closing our eyes. ----------------------------- It is a very, very difficult thing because the mind which is gross cannot grasp this subtle, narrow, hairsbreadth of the spirit. We can jump this way, jump that way,

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.7 : Swami Krishnananda.

  ---------------------------------------------- Friday, November 13, 2020. 11:12.  AM. Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 7. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Renunciation is a difficult thing to understand because it is an operation of concepts. It is a wholly internal operation that is taking place within us. As the Bhagavadgita says in the Second Chapter, whatever the renunciation be that we practise physically, the taste for the objects may continue – rasavarja?. Vi?aya vinivartante niraharasya dehina? rasavarja? (Gita 2.59). Though we may not be emperors, kings, presidents, prime ministers, the taste for status may be present in our minds. What do we lose if we become the president of a large country? Do we think it is an abominable thing? We may say it is useless because we know we cannot get it. We know very well it is impossible to get, and so it is a useless thing for us. This is called the philosophy of sour grapes.

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.6 : Swami Krishnananda.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, November 04, 2020. 12:00.  PM. Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 6. ----------------------------------------------------------------- When this independent status rules the world, and not relations rule the world, we are in the kingdom of heaven in one second. Brahmaloka, the kingdom of heaven, the golden age when government does not exist, is that circumstance where each one is what one is and no relation is necessary. Each one knows one’s own dharma, duty – which is to visualise everything from its own point of view as substances, originals, archetypes, not shadows, not locations of things, substances in the principle of externality called space, and in time. If each one is what one is and there is no relationship, space vanishes. In Brahmaloka, there is no space-time. In God’s kingdom it is eternity and infinity, non-spatial and non-temporal. It is from this point of view that