The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.5. Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday,March 24, 2021. 09:25. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This wholeness that we feel in ourselves is the indivisibility of reality that pushes itself forward in every nook and corner of the world, in every cranny and creek, in every sand particle and atom. Every atom is a completeness by itself; it is not a fragment. A nucleus around which a few electrons revolve is a total atom. It is not a half atom, a one-fourth atom. Even if some of the limbs of our body are amputated, we will not feel that we are fifty-percent persons or one-fourth or seventy-five percent. If all the limbs are severed, we are still wholes. A person with no legs and no hands is not a half person; he is a whole person nevertheless. This is a proof that we do not seem to be bodies...