
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.13. Swami Krishnananda.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, July 05, 2021. 6:16. PM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How would the mind be superior to the world?  This is the point of difference between the two schools of philosophy called realism and idealism. Is the object prior to thinking, or is thinking prior to the object?  We need not enter into this discussion here. The point is that in some special way the mind is superior to the world. Therefore, we feel that we are superior persons. We do not think the world is superior to us; we are superior. We can know the world. We can measure the Milky Way. We can count in terms of light years, which are unimaginable distances. The mind, though it appears to be apparently located within our body and operating in the brain, is really not so. It is an ethereal, pervasive electric force, as it were, which

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.12. Swami Krishnananda.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, June 17, 2021. 6:49. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 12. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, you must understand very carefully in what sense they are internal. I am mentioning this because you have to understand what I mean by saying that you have to concentrate your mind by internalising it. You are not going inside a room when you internalise the mind because it is a spatial concept. The atoms are not spatially inside the stone.  They are inside in a different sense altogether. You cannot say that the atoms are inside the stone as we are sitting inside a hall. Not so, because the atoms are the very substance of the stone, while we are not of the substance of this hall. So when we say the electromagnetic movements are inside the hard object, we are using the word ‘inside’ only in a metaphorical way, not literally. In the sa

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.11. Swami Krishnananda.

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, June 06, 2021. 9:48. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 11. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we practice yoga, we are not entering merely inside our physical body, closing our eyes and holding our nostrils and meditating on a little flame of an imagined lamp in the heart, as if we are individuals. Even psychologically, psychoanalytically, we are not individuals. We belong to the whole of humanity. So we touch the whole of humanity when we probe into the depths of our being. And intellect is not necessarily the means of meditation because, as I told you, it is a little iceberg on the top of the ocean of this large unconscious which is at the base. We have to go deep into ourselves. “Know thyself” is an old dictum. This is a very difficult statement. It cannot easily be understood because to know thyself is to know what we are.