
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Science of the Inner Life 1- 4 & 5. by Swami Krishnananda

 ==================================================================== ==================================================================== Friday, December 24, 2021. 8:00. PM. 1.INTRODUCTION : 4 & 5. ==================================================================== 4.THE SOUL AND ITS CHARIOT : The conscious principle within is the lord of the chariot. The body is the chariot, the intellect is the charioteer or the driver, the mind is the reins, the senses are the horses, the objects of the senses are the roads. This chariot is useful either to drive down or drive up. The body is dragged by the horses of the senses in different directions. The driver is responsible for the movement of the chariot, and this is the intellect, which can either understand or misunderstand, and consequently either ascend with the chariot to the Abode of Vishnu or fall down to the mortal state. Whatever is done through this body, consciously, is done, ultimately, by the intellect. It is the principle o

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 1.6. Swami Krishananda.

===================================================================== ====================================================================== Wednesday, December 22, 2021. 8:00.PM. The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 1.6. Chapter -1.  Post - 6. ====================================================================== =================================================================== The layers of our personality corresponding also to the layers of the outer cosmos speak in their own languages at different moments of time. We do not entirely belong to this earth, because we have other layers of personality which cannot belong to the surface of the physical world. We are not merely social individuals or entities. Our relationship is not one of father and mother, father and son, mother and son, daughter, brother, sister, boss, subordinate, this and that, as we usually imagine. We have within ourselves mysteries which we ourselves do not understand, and cannot understand. This amounts to sayi

Kathopanishad: The Science of the Inner Life 1-3. by Swami Krishnananda

 ===================================================================== ==================================================================== Tuesday, December 14, 2021. 7:00. PM. Kathopanishad: The Science of the Inner Life :1-3 1.INTRODUCTION : 3. 3.  THE NATURE OF THE SELF : ===================================================================== The Atman, being the presupposition of all acts of understanding, feeling and willing, is not known to any individualised knower, and so it appears as a mystery, a Wonder of wonders, awe-inspiring. To many, this Atman is difficult to hear of, to many others, even when heard of, it is difficult to understand. Wonderful is the teacher of this; blessed is the obtainer of this; wonderful is the knower of this, who is taught by a blessed teacher. The Atman cannot be known if it is taught by an inferior teacher, even if it is thought of in various ways. Only when the Atman is taught by one who is identical with the Atman (i.e., a Brahmanishtha), it ca

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 1.5. Swami Krishananda.

 ======================================================================== ====================================================================== Sunday, December 12, 2021. 7:00.PM. The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 1.5. Chapter -1.  Discourse No - 5. ====================================================================== =================================================================== But, we have something inside us, an urge that propels us in some other direction, apart from this exoteric urge which directs us to the enjoyment of the objects of sense. This something peculiar within us is the Nachiketas. The son of Vajasravasa Gautama, the progeny of the sage, is the conscience of the sage, which spoke out his heart. In the mythical terminology of the Upanishad, the conscience of Gautama speaks in the language of his son, Nachiketas. While we are after the enjoyment of life, rulership, authority, prestige and power and whatnot, we have also a subtle voice speaking from within us,

Kathopanishad: The Science of the Inner Life 1-2. by Swami Krishnananda

 ============================================================================ ============================================================================ Saturday, December 04, 2021. 8:00. PM. Kathopanishad: The Science of the Inner Life :1-2 1.INTRODUCTION : 2. 2. THE GOOD AND THE PLEASANT : ============================================================================== The good is one thing and the pleasant is another. They have different aims, and they drag a person from different directions. Of these two, he who chooses the good obtains blessedness, but he who chooses the pleasant falls from his aim. The good is that which leads one to God or the Absolute. It gives the freedom of Moksha or liberation from Samsara. It is not pleasant, because it is against body-consciousness. It destroys what is pleasant and, hence, is rather painful. The pleasant, on the other hand, is intimately connected with the body, and prevents a person from choosing the good.  One falls down from one's a

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 4. Swami Krishananda.

 ================================================================================= ================================================================================= Thursday, December 02, 2021. 8:00.PM. The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 4. Chapter -1.  Discourse No 4. ================================================================================= Nachiketas was made of a different stuff. He was not an ordinary boy. “Why should I not put this question? What is the trouble about it? You give me all these wonders that you have described to me but will not answer this simple question.” “Not even the gods have been able to answer this question. Not all the celestials put together in all the seven heavens can answer this question that you have put. Therefore, child, please do not pester me with this question. You keep quiet. I have made the mistake of telling you that you can ask for three boons, and now you are putting me in this embarrassing situation with a question which I cannot ans