
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 2.4. Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================ ============================================================== Saturday, January 22, 2021. 9:00.PM. Chapter -2.  Post -4. =============================================================== Every event is a universal event. There is no such thing as a local event taking place in a corner or a corridor of the world. You cannot say that a particular event has taken place only in a mohalla or a lane of a particular town. No such thing is the truth. Every experience, every event, every action, is a universal event. It takes place, in a conditioned form, everywhere in the world. Every illness is a total illness of the body. It is not an illness only of the nose or the eyes or the feet. The whole personality is sick even when there is only a sneeze that has come out from your nose. Likewise, every experience is a universal conditioning event, of which we have no knowledge because of our mind being tethered to a bodily locality and the

Kathopanishad : The Science of the Inner Life 1.9. Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================= ============================================================= Friday, January 21, 2022. 7:00. PM. 1.INTRODUCTION :  9.SELF CONTROL : CONTINUED ============================================================== Since it is evident that worldly consciousness and Divine Consciousness do not co-exist, it is also clear that sensuality is the opposite of Self-knowledge. Sense-knowledge is natural to the individual, whereas Self-knowledge is extraordinary. This is the reason why everyone is by force made to experience the Anatman or something objective.  They are children who follow the course of the objects of the senses. They fall into the wide-spread net of destruction. Those who have consciousness of the Immortal do not ever seek it among things impermanent. The cause of destruction or death is wide-spread, i.e., it is everywhere. The meaning is that the outward conditions necessary for the destruction of something are made manife

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 2.3. Swami Krishananda.

 ================================================= ================================================ Saturday, January 15, 2021. 8:30.PM. Chapter -2.  Post -3. ================================================= We mistake enjoyments for acts of freedom, which is far from the truth, says Yama, the teacher of the Katha Upanishad. The man of wisdom chooses the blessed and the good rather than the pleasant and the satisfying to the senses. Both come to you. The blessed and the pleasant—both are before you. You can choose any one. Man is free either to stand or to fall. This is the endowment which God has bestowed upon human nature. Sreyas and preyas—both are at your disposal. Nectar and poison—both are kept in two cups before you. You can drink whichever you like. But the glamour of the poison kept in a beautiful cup is more attractive than the immortalising essence of nectar that seems to be covered in a bushel.  Truth is hidden, whereas appearance is visible to the eyes. The hero, the cour

Kathopanishad : The Science of the Inner Life 1-8 & 9. Swami Krishnananda.

 ================================================ ================================================ Wednesday, January 12, 2022. 8:00. PM. 1.INTRODUCTION : 8 & 9. ================================================= 8. THE LIBERATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL When that which is soundless, touchless, formless, changeless, tasteless, eternal, odourless, beginningless, endless, greater than the cosmic intellect, the permanent being, is known, one is liberated from the mouth of death. That which is characterised by qualities like sound has to modify itself, because these qualities are not absolute values, but valid only relatively. That which is not absolutely valid cannot exist eternally. All relative values serve a purpose only in respect of particular times and conditions. That which is ever enduring does not exist in relation to another thing or condition, but is self-sufficient. That which has no beginning may have an end, and that which has no end may have a beginning. But, Brahman is beginn

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 2.2. Swami Krishananda.

 ===================================================================== ================================================================ Wednesday, January 05, 2021. 8:00.PM. Chapter -2.  Post -2 ================================================================ The human mind is a fool, really. It understands nothing, but yet it assumes an arrogance of all-knowingness and omniscience. Nothing can be worse than this attitude of the mind—knowing nothing and imagining that it knows everything. This attitude is called ignorance. This is called vanity. This is egoism. To assume an attitude of what you are not, that is ahamkara. But the whole of life is nothing but a pretension of this kind. In every one of our activities and attitudes, and even our expressions and speeches and conduct and behaviour, we are hypocritical to the core, if we go deeply into the matter. We do not expose ourselves, because that exposure of our true personality would go contrary to the assumed satisfaction which we w

Kathopanishad : The Science of the Inner Life 1- 6 & 7. by Swami Krishnananda

================================================================ ===================================================================== Monday, January 03, 2022. 7:00. PM. 1.INTRODUCTION : 6 & 7. ==================================================================== 6. THE PROCESS OF WITHDRAWAL : The energy that is spent by the senses should be conserved through the stoppage of the activity of the senses. When the senses are prevented from their functions, there is a natural revolt of the senses, as a reaction to the attempt at their subdual. The reason for this revolt is that the energy that is withdrawn from the senses is, usually, not utilised well. No energy can rest in suspension, without being used; it shall find a way out. Hence the totality of sense-energy should be dissolved in the mind, so that there may not be any chance or possibility of its being expressed once again through the senses. But the mind also, being an organ which is an extrovert in nature, may project itself

The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 2.1. Swami Krishananda.

==================================================================== =============================================================== Saturday, January 01, 2021. 8:00.PM. The Secret of the Katha Upanishad : 2.1 Chapter -2.  Post -1 ================================================================= We observed yesterday that our present experiences seem to be involved in a misconception. With this point of view, the instruction of the Katha Upanishad begins. When Nachiketas, the seeker, rejects the grand presents offered by Yama and insists on a practical answer being given to the question of the nature of the soul on its dissolution, the teacher recognises in Nachiketas a fit disciple to receive this supreme knowledge, and immediately goes to the very heart of the question. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two sides of experience, which pull a person in two different directions :  Mantram  "sreyas ca