The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-5

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-5
Chapter 2: Nachiketas’ First Two Boons : 5.

This great experience is a highly advanced stage of communion with all things, where we are sarvabhutahite ratah (Gita 5.25).

We are friends. We do not belong to parties. It is like the President of a country representing the whole nation. He is above the government, and is a super-departmental head. So a spiritual adept who returns to the world does not come as a man or a woman. He is not a human being coming back to the world of human beings. He will not be received as a human being; he will be received as a soul of all beings. He can shake the hearts of everyone.

Though he may appear to be encased in a physical body like a great incarnation such as Krishna, Rama,  he is not really encased, as money is not contained inside a coin or a little piece of paper, though it appears as if it is. Money is everywhere. It is a pervading principle, an economic strength, and it is not contained in a little scrap of paper we call the currency note or a metal piece we call the coin.

Likewise, the incarnation or the prophet is not inside the body, though he appears to move through a body as money seems to move through a piece of paper or metal.

Our Guru is not a body. The incarnation is not a body. The spiritual genius is a pervading influence manifest from the point of view of the observers as a vehicle, like an official of the government moving. When an important official of the government moves, the government moves. But really, the government cannot move because it is a pervasive force.

What moves is a body only. When the Cabinet Secretary of the government moves, we can say, in a sense, a high power of the government moves. But only Mr. X is moving, really speaking. He may be the son of some old mother, but he is not that when he manifests himself as a power that represents the whole nation.

So when I return to the world, I do not come like X,Y,Z, A,B,C,D. May I be received as I should be received. When I come as the Cabinet Secretary, do not call me Mr. so-and-so, son of so-and-so, etc. I may be that, but you should not receive me in that way. I am coming in a new form altogether, with a new spirit within me.

This is the way in which Nachiketas will be received when he returns to the world. This is the way in which every one of us will be received when we extricate ourselves from the mortality of this body and enter into the spirit of the universe. W will be a friend of all, a well-wisher of all, a truly altruistic person. Swami Sivananda Maharaj was one such, at least from my angle of vision.

“Granted. I grant this boon. Be happy, my dear boy. Now ask for the second boon.”

To be continued ...


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