The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-8.

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-8
Chapter 2: Nachiketas’ First Two Boons : 8.

We know things piecemeal, bit by bit, little by little. We go from one shop to another shop. We cannot go to all shops at the same time and see everything at one stroke. We cannot even memorise all things at one stroke, and so we memorise them little by little. Even when we want things, we want things one after the other, not all things at one stroke. But there is a mystery by which we can know many things as one thing, just as we know this whole body as one object. I am sitting here as one person, you are seated there as another person.

This body is made up of many parts. Each one knows that many parts constitute this body. There are eyes and ears and nose and what not. But we do not have to count these limbs in order to know that we are here. “Well, I have two eyes, two ears, a nose, ten fingers, legs. Yes, I am here.” This is not the way we say we are here. We need not go on counting the cells and limbs of the body in order to come to the conclusion this total body is here.

We do not count the parts of the body as we count notes or objects of the world. It is a single grasp which is non-sensory. We call it intuitive. We know that we are a total body, a psychophysical organism, by a grasp which is not sensorily operated, but mystically apprehended at once.

Such an apprehension of the whole universe is possible. We need not travel from one place to another place to see things. In one grasp everything is known. We need not travel from place to place; things will travel to us. We need not ask for anything; they will come. We need not go to any place; all places will come to us. We need not have to travel to our leg; it is always with us.

This is the mystery into which initiation was asked for by Nachiketas. I do not intend to explain to you what Yama must have told Nachiketas. Nobody is capable of explaining all these things, and our minds are perhaps not ready for them. Anyhow, I have given an indication as to how staggering it could be to be cosmically aware and cosmically competent to grasp the total structure of creation in a single comprehension, an intuitive perception, a vision of the spirit, and not perception by the senses.

To be continued ..


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