The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-10.

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 2-10
Chapter 2: Nachiketas’ First Two Boons-10.

Unless we know what this Vaishvanara is, we cannot be safe in this world. We cannot have security of any kind. We shall find ourselves in an insecure condition every moment if we depend on anything other than the Vaishvanara, because the Vaishvanara is the ruling government of the cosmos. It is the central ordinance of the Absolute. It is, in a way, the Creator of the universe. Sometimes people identify Vaishvanara with Hiranyagarbha, Brahma. The way in which we can grasp everything in a total spirit is the way into the mystery of Vaishvanara.

‘Visva’ is the universe; ‘nara’ etymologically means man. Visvanara is the Cosmic Man. Vaishvanara is that which pertains to the cosmic personality. There is only One Person in the whole universe. Vaishna bhaktas especially who follow the madhurya rasa method contemplate God as the only male, and everybody is a gopi. We are all women. We are not men. We are playing the rasa dance around this nucleus of the one Purusha who is the Cosmic Person sung of in the Purusha Sukta of the Veda, glorified in the Vaishvanara Vidya of the Upanishad and spoken of in the Katha Upanishad, and this is what Nachiketas expected.

Thus, Vaishvanara is the knowledge of the Total Person, in whose body we are all ingrained like the cells in our own body. This body is made up of little organisms, millions and millions of living cells, all integrated into a single I, this so-called person here, this so-called person there. In a way, we are all connected to this Cosmic Person. The word ‘connected’ is a feeble apology to explain the real relation. We are organically, inextricably and integrally bound vitally, consciously, livingly, to this One Person so that when He thinks, we think, and when I think, He thinks. There cannot be two thoughts in the world. There also cannot be two actions. Only one action, only One Person does everything. This knowledge is Vaishvanara-vidya. Into this mystery, with elaborate techniques of initiation, Nachiketas was initiated.

To be continued ...


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