The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 3.1 Swami Krishnananda

Chapter 3: Nachiketas’ Third Boon-1.

The first boon which was granted to Nachiketas was great enough, and to us almost incomprehensible. The second boon that was granted was greater still, and more difficult to comprehend. Yet they were granted. They were exceptional things which mortal minds cannot perceive, and such heavenly, or even super-heavenly boons were granted by the great Lord Yama to Nachiketas – boons people like us can neither imagine in our minds, nor understand. However, such supernatural benefits accrued to the little boy Nachiketas by his contact with the supreme master of yoga, Yama-Dharmaraja. “Yes, I have granted you the two boons. Ask for the third boon.”

Now the little boy took the great Master by surprise. He asked for something which the great Lord never expected him to ask, a question which no one will put because it will never occur to our minds. Such a mysterious query was raised by this little boy.

What did he ask?

"Yeyam prete vicikitsa manuṣye
 asti-tyeke nayam astiti caike,
 etat vidyam anusistas tvaya ham
varaṇam esa varas trtiyaḥ." -  (Katha 1.1.20) : 

“Here I am with a third request, which I beseech you to grant to me. They say that something is after the Great Beyond, and nothing is after the Great Beyond. What is, when the great passing takes place? I wish to have an answer to this question.”

We cannot understand the meaning of this question. 

The great Lord said, “What are you asking? Don’t speak like this. Such questions are not to be put. Small boy, dear lad, ask for long life, as long as this world lasts. Ask for wealth of the whole universe. I shall grant you longest life conceivable and the most glorious wealth which even the gods cannot expect to have. Have all these things. Go. Be happy. 

Ask not such questions.

” Devair - atrapi vicikitsitam pura
 na hi suvijneyam-anur-esa dharmah," -  (Katha 1.1.21) : 

Even the gods will not be bold enough to raise questions of this kind. Even they cannot understand the mystery which you are referring to. 

Ask not such questions.

To be continued ..


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