The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.1- Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -1.

# The great attainment which is the subject of the three boons granted to Nachiketas is not an easy affair. 

## While the Upanishad grandly describes the glory and the magnificence of this supreme realisation and experience, it also side by side gives us some hints regarding the efforts that may have to be put forth for being blessed with this experience. 

### This effort is called sadhana, spiritual practice, or yogam or yoga.

#The word ‘yogam’, commonly translated as ‘union’, is also to be understood in its proper context, connotation and spirit. 

##The whole of life is a yogam. It is an art of communing oneself with Reality. Every moment of our life we are attuning ourselves to the reality of circumstance. 

### Thus, knowingly or unknowingly, we are practising some kind of yoga, without which life would be impossible even for three minutes. The intelligent adjustments that we are making with the reality and the circumstances prevailing around us consist in a method that we are adopting to place ourselves in the context of this atmosphere, a context of harmony and alignment. 

#### This is precisely yogam.

# When we are a member in a small family of several people, we are practising yogam if we are to live harmoniously in that family. If we are not to be in a state of perpetual conflict with the other members of the family, if the family is to be an undivided happy one, we are practising a yogam there, though we may not call it a yogam. 

## Our individual proclivities or our whole personality is tuned up to the purpose of the whole family, which consists of many members like us. 

### This is yogam.

#### When we unite ourselves with Reality, we are in a state of yogam. The family is a reality, and we have united ourselves with the pattern and the arrangement and the structure and the objective of the family. If each member behaves independently from his own or her own point of view, there will be no such thing as a family. It will be dismembered in one second.

To be continued ...




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