The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.3 - Swami Krishnananda

================================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27/04/2020. Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The world is a human family ( belongs to all jiva-jalams is more appropriate ). Today the world has grown so large, and also shrunken at the same time into a single unit; therefore, at the present moment, not to consider our involvement in the setup of the whole of humanity would be to think very poorly. There is no use merely thinking in terms of family, our little community or even one country. These small countries are involved in a larger setup of organisation, which is the human species in its wholeness. Like that, atmospheres around us, when they seem to determine us, demand from us a sacrifice which is not a loss, but a gain. -------------------------------------...