The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.2- Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -2.
Dear members, this blog is very touching, close your eyes after reading, remain in that posture (Yogam) few seconds, the reality of our existence is experienced, Very sad semitic religions not prepared to realise this truth, if realised they coexist in the main stream Bharatham peacefully, as this is yogam. Again our political parties must understand the idea of citizen and Nation hood, especially Grand Alliance of opposition, the leftists if realise they will not become namakram.


*If a family is a good thing and a necessity, if it is to exist as an undivided compound or a composite structure, each member has to participate in the welfare of another in the light of a purpose for which the family exists. 

#The family is a transcendent meaning that is immanent and inherent in every member of the family.

#What we call a family is not the different people that are living in a house. It is an aim, objective, purpose – an ideology. 

*The family is an idea. 

##Thus, we may say the family is a concept, and not something that is visible to the eyes. What is visible is only people. Many people sitting together do not constitute a family. A family is a conceptual harmony operating immanently in the midst of the individuals that are supposed to constitute the family. 

###So when we are united with the family, we are united with an immanent principle that pervades the members of the family. 

*This is yogam. 

#### "We are sacrificing our personality for the purpose of the welfare of the family because the welfare of the family is also our welfare. We know it very well. It is our own welfare because we are not separate from the family."


#This yogam can be extended to larger dimensions like community, nationality, etc. 

##If the nation is happy, we are also happy. 

###A citizen of a particular nation practises yogam when he behaves like a citizen. 

####"When we belong to a larger body and adapt ourselves in a harmony with the purpose for which this body or an organisation or a setup exists, we are in a state of yogam."

#I am trying to tell you how all life is yogam. There is nothing anywhere in this world except yogam. 

##Yogam pervades every nook and corner of the Earth, without which everyone will vanish in one moment. 

###"There will be a destruction of all life if yogam is not to be practised." 

#### "We are practising it without knowing that we are doing it. I have given you only a very little, crude, simple example of a family or a communal structure."

#"These ideas of being a citizen of Bharatmata or Bharatvarsha, America or Britain are transcendent to individuality. When you say “I am Bharatiyan”, you are not referring to your body. You are referring to an ideal for which you are standing."

##When I say “I am an Indian”, I am not speaking of this body seated here. I am speaking of a cultural pattern of unity to which I belong, of which I am a part, with which I am attuned.

To be continued ....



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