The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.4 - Swami Krishnananda


Tuesday, May 12, 2020.
Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -4.

I have been hinting at this point for the last one or two days – namely, that a reality is transcendent to visible objects. All the activities, engagements and enterprises of ours in life are intended for the fulfilment of an ideal which is invisible to the eyes though it appears as if we are clinging to bodies of persons and things. Nobody will be interested in an object or a person unless there is a purpose behind it, and that purpose is other than the person and the thing concerned. My relationship to a person or a thing is for a purpose. That purpose is more important than the person or the thing. This we should not forget. If I love my child, if I have affection for my father or mother, if I am united with a family, if I work for a nation, it is for a purpose, an intention, an objective, an ideology which we cannot see with our eyes.


So everyone lives for a great ideal. We are living for something which is invisible to the eyes. This is an interesting revelation. We are working for invisible things, and not for the visible world, though we wrongly may interpret our associations as physical, visible, concrete and the like. We have no love for any physical thing in the world. The physical thing, so-called, is an instrument which evokes in our mind a consciousness of an ideal for which we are existing and working.

The great point made out in the Kathopanishad through these great boons granted to Nachiketas are ideals. What was Nachiketas asking for? He did not want the three worlds or the pleasures of heavens. He was asking for knowledge of a secret which cannot be called a visible object, which he considered as superior to everything – all three worlds and planes of existence. What a wonder! All the realms of being and the planes of existence are nothing compared to the knowledge of this secret.
To be continued .....



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