The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.6 - Swami Krishnananda


Wednesday, June 03, 2020.
Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -6. 

#Yoga is a miracle: ascaryavat pasyati (Gita 2.29). 

People speak of yoga, that it is a miracle. It is a miracle because it is not a physical object that can be seen or experimented upon with instruments. 

##Says the Kathopanishad : 

*Atmanam rathinam viddhi, sariram ratham eva tu: 
buddhim tu saradhim viddhi, manah pragraham eva ca; (Katha 1.3.-3) #

*Indriyani hayan ahur visayams teshu gocaran, 
atmendriya-mano-yuktam bhoktety ahur manishinah. (Katha 1.3.- 4) #

We are moving towards the goal through the process of the evolution of the universe. Our participation in this cosmic movement is yoga. We are driving a vehicle in this direction of the great purpose of the cosmos. 

This vehicle is this personality of ours. This individuality of ours is a chariot, a vehicle, a ratha, and this body moves like the vehicle in the desired direction. 

As there is a driver for a motorcar and a charioteer for a chariot, and the vehicle does not move of its own accord but is directed by an intelligence, the reason in us is the charioteer.


The chariot is yoked to the horses, which pull the chariot in the desired direction. These horses are the senses, and the horses are controlled by reins. The charioteer controls the movement of the horses by the reins he holds in his hands. The mind is the reins; the senses are the horses. This body is the chariot, and the intellect is the charioteer. 

The objects of the senses are the roads along which the chariot is driven towards the destination of what is called in the Upanishad :

#  "tad visnoh paramam padam" (Katha 1.3.9): the abode of the Supreme Being.

If the charioteer is drunk or he has taken a sleeping pill, if he is not concentrated in the attention which he has to give for the movement of the chariot, he will find the chariot in the ditch. The motorcar will go down the precipice. 

#If our reason is not properly directed, our personality can go amok due to the restive horses which have not been properly controlled by this reason through the reins of the mind.
To be continued ...



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