The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.8 - Swami Krishnananda.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020. 08:48. PM.
Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -8. 

The comparison of this body to the chariot is interesting. It is significant with the necessity for control of oneself. Yoga is self-control. On the one hand, yoga is a movement towards the Supreme Being and, simultaneously, it is self-control because self-control is the same as movement in the right direction. Withdrawal is the same as forging oneself forward. To go within is the same as going without. These are intriguing statements. The more we go deep into ourselves, the more we are plumbing into the depths of the universe. The less do the senses operate in respect of external contact with the objects, the more do they attune themselves with the reality that is inside.

A question may arise: What is the point about self-control? Why should we control the senses? On the one side, you say the roads along which the chariot has to move are the very objects of the senses. On the other side, you say you must withdraw the senses from the objects. What do you mean by these statements?

The objects so-called, with which the senses cognise and come in contact, do no harm. The roads cannot do any harm to the vehicle. It is the driver that can go wrong. It is the machine that can go out of order; the road is perfectly all right. The road does not attack the vehicle and force the vehicle to fall down somewhere. Likewise, the world does not trouble us. The objects of the senses are simple creations of the Almighty. They are not there either to please us or to displease us. The road is not meant for our satisfaction or our dissatisfaction. It is there. It is up to us to utilise it in the way we are expected to use it. The wind blows, and we cannot say the wind should blow only in this way for us, or the sun should shine in this manner only. They do their work properly from the point of view of a large setup of things to which they belong and of which they seem to be conscious, of which we are perhaps not conscious. They are more impersonal than we individuals are.
To be continued ...



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