The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.13. - Swami Krishnananda.



Friday, September 11, 2020. 12.12 . PM.

Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -13.



Space and time are subtle ethereal obstructions which are harder than rock and flint; therefore, we cannot come in contact with our beloved objects in the world, whoever it be – father, wife, children, whatever it is. We cannot get any one of them. We are utterly foolish.


Thus, it is necessary to withdraw the senses. What for? Not to lose these beloved things, but to come in real contact with them. When you withdraw the senses you overcome the limitations of space and time, and then you will really be able to love, enjoy, possess, and come in contact with your father, mother, brother, sister, wife, children. Now you are not getting them, but afterwards you will get them. You are seeing their shadows now; afterwards you will get their realities. Which is better, reality or shadow? Do you want a shadow of your wife, or an original? The original is somewhere else; you are seeing only the shadow now. That original you can contact when the soul of your father, mother, property, wealth, wife, children, is grasped by you, by your soul. Only the soul can grasp the soul; the body cannot grasp. One body cannot enter into another body. Even if you embrace a person, you are not entering that person. You are outside. You are unnecessarily imagining that you have embraced. You are outside still.


There is only a psychological deception which makes us feel that we have come in union with objects. We are always outside. We are external. We are driven exiles. With all our attempt to come in contact with power, authority, money, wealth, this and that, we are outside. Externality is this world. That is the world of death. To be driven out from Reality is real death. This is what is happening to us.


Yoga is union with Reality, not a state of being driven out of it. The senses have to be restrained because the senses wrongly direct our consciousness externally while Reality is not external, but Universal.


Next - Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions

To be continued ...



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