The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.2. Swami Krishnananda.

-------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, February 14, 2021. 09:51. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 2. --------------------------------------------------------------- Great truths appear mysterious because the intellect of man is not endowed with the necessary apparatus to grasp them. There is no mystery in the teachings of the great Master who initiated Nachiketas in the Kathopanishad. We are afraid of mysteries, as if they exist. The facts which rule the world are not necessarily intellectual and logical. The mathematics and the geometry of the human understanding does not seem to be the method according to which the world operates. This is a startling discovery which was made by leaders of science, such as Einstein. The world does not work according to human arithmetic, and our calculations are not the calculations made by the universe. This is the reason why the world appears as a mystery to us, while in fact it is not a mystery. We do n...