The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.12 : Swami Krishnananda.



Wednesday, February 01, 2021. 06:13.PM.
Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 12.


The senses are, thus, to be united with the mind, the mind in the reason, and our individually operated reason or understanding has to be regarded as a drop in the ocean of understanding, which is Mahat-tattva, Hiranyagarbha, the supreme universal reason. Thus it is that our reason has to operate in a universal manner, as if we are thinking through every person in the world. When we think, we think through all the persons and through all things by communing ourselves inwardly through consciousness with all the objects and persons that we may think are outside.

Therefore, the renunciation that we are expected to execute is the renunciation from the notion of the external existence of things, and not the things themselves. The idea that objects and persons are outside us is that from which we have to free ourselves, and that which we have to renounce. What we practice in renunciation is the renunciation of ideas only. Sannyasa is the renunciation of willing, the sannyasa of sankalpa. Na hi asannyasta sa?kalpa? yogi bhavati kascana (Gita 6.2). Nobody can be a yogi who has not renounced the externalised willing volition which places itself around an object outside.

Thus, sannyasa, renunciation, austerity or spiritually oriented, religiously oriented abnegation is the freedom achieved from a notion that is erroneous. It is not a physical cutting off from ishvara-sristi which is not a bondage. On the other hand, it is the way to God, the road along which the chariot has to be driven to the Supreme Abode of Vishnu..


Next-Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back

To be continued ...



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