
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.17. Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, July 29, 2021. 11:07. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This union is not experienced by reason, argument, inference, deduction and induction, etc. By direct unity all rejoicing, satisfaction or any kind of delight is a loss of personality. The more we lose our personality, the more are we happy. In intense joy, in aesthetic perceptions and experiences, in musical performances which we participate in, and dance performances or even cinema, for instance, if we completely get absorbed in the thing that we see, we do not know that we are existing. The measure of the loss of our self-consciousness is the measure of the joy that we feel. The measure of the loss of self-consciousness means the measure of the loss of the individuality in which we are encased, and the entry into the universality which is our goal. When

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.16. Swami Krishnananda.

 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, July 22, 2021. 11:19. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 16. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Narada went to Dwarka to see how Sri Krishna was living with 16,000 women. He could not understand how one person can be with 16,000. Narada found the one Lord in each place. In one house, in one palace, he was receiving guests, in another palace he was performing agnihotra and offering sacred oblation in the fire, in a third place he was taking lunch, and in a fourth place he was taking rest. He was there in every place simultaneously. The Universal was present in every particular. Now I am digre

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.15. Swami Krishnananda.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, July 14, 2021. 10:03. PM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This object of our meditation, therefore, is not one among the many objects. The nation is not one person; it is all the persons. Thus it is that the object of our meditation is not one object. The fact that we somehow or other get into the wrong notion that the object on which we are meditating is one among the many things is the reason why the mind jumps from object to object. If we somehow believe that the national spirit is only one little petty thing, how can we love our nation? Unless we are sure that the welfare of the whole nation is our welfare and we are included in it and everybody is included in it, we cannot pay respect to our national spirit. Thus it is that we cannot truly love or pay respect to our object of meditation if

The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.14. Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wednesday, July 7, 2021. 9:00. AM. Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga is a difficult thing. It is a mystery because all things that are non-sensory should appear as mysteries. I began by saying this at the very outset. But by discipline, by living with a great Master and receiving his vibrations, and by sincere prayers, gradually one can achieve this most difficult task. Yoga is most difficult of achievement, but not an impossible thing. It is difficult because yoga is the absolution of our phenomenal personality from involvement in space and time, and regaining its originality in its noumenal being. In concentration, in meditation, what do we do then? Again I revert to what I told you yesterday: All reality being infinite, universal, the object of our meditation should be considered as an emblem of