The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.16. Swami Krishnananda.



Thursday, July 22, 2021. 11:19. AM.
Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 16.


Narada went to Dwarka to see how Sri Krishna was living with 16,000 women. He could not understand how one person can be with 16,000. Narada found the one Lord in each place. In one house, in one palace, he was receiving guests, in another palace he was performing agnihotra and offering sacred oblation in the fire, in a third place he was taking lunch, and in a fourth place he was taking rest. He was there in every place simultaneously. The Universal was present in every particular.

Now I am digressing again to stimulate your minds a little bit into the fact that the world is not wholly material and you are not physical bodies, and the truths of things are not exhausted by what you see with your eyes. The object of your meditation, therefore, is a universal that is implanted in that little object, such as Narayana in the Tirupati Venkateswara image, the whole economic power in a currency note, and the electric force or the electromagnetic energy contained in an atom. You know the power of the atom. It can burst and devastate even large areas. The universal force is present even in an atom.

Thus, again to come to the point, the object of your meditation is a degree of the Universal envisaged by the wholeness of you. I am repeating this word again and again so that you may not forget what I am telling you. Your mind is not thinking, your body is not participating. The whole ‘I am I’, the real you which is indivisible, the emblem of the Infinite within is contemplating the emblem of the Infinite which is outside. The Infinite is coming in contact with the Infinite, as it were. This is meditation, this is samadhi. What is samadhi, what is samapatti? The whole that is in you is united with the whole that is outside. “The Alone flies to the Alone,” said Plotinus.

Hence, meditation is a wonder, a miracle; nothing can be equal to it. What happens to you in meditation? You touch the spirit of the universe. You become the friend of everybody: sarvabh?tahite rat?? (Gita 12.4). There is nothing that you lack afterwards. Don’t say, “I have no time for meditation. I have got other engagements.” What engagements have you got other than this? What a poor mind we have got! How frail we are in our thinking and how despicable is our reason when we complain that we have no time for meditation. This is because we are somehow given to the wrong notion again that this meditation is one little official duty that we are performing in a corner, like going to a factory or a school or a college. No, it is not like that. The object of meditation is not one particular among many other particulars. It is the whole that we are envisaging through the wholeness that we are. This unity is called samadhi.





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