The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 6.18. Swami Krishnananda.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021. 10:19.. PM.
Chapter 6: The Meaning of Not Coming Back - 18.

This is the message of the Kathopanishad, and of all the Upanishads, and of the Bhagavadgita. This is everyone’s message to everyone else. When one loves another, when one wants status, money, land, property, everything, these are broken glass pieces we hug under the impression that they are the infinites that we are wanting. So we are groping in the darkness of ignorance, searching for the Infinite that we have lost but being satisfied with a little tinsel, a little piece of tin which looks like a shining crystal in the light of the sun.

"Manasaś ca parā buddhir buddher ātmā mahān paraḥ; mahataḥ param avyaktam, avyaktāt puruṣaḥ paraḥ puruṣān na paraṁ kiñcit (Katha 1.3.10-11)". 

After reaching that, you will not come back. Don’t be frightened. You will not come back. There is no need of coming back to the dream world once you have woken up. When you have become the owner of the wealth of the whole world, why should you revert to the beggar that you were? Why are you afraid that there is no coming back? It is not back.

Again I insist upon this subtle point of your being able to understand what this coming back, going, etc., is, as interiority or exteriority is. You have to understand the internal and the external in a very special sense, quite different from the way you understand internal, external, etc., in the space-time world. So also this coming and going is a special instruction. When it is said that after reaching God you do not come back, you should not think of coming back on a railway train or a jet plane. It is a spiritual description of an absence of necessity to revert to a lower level or degree of reality when you have included in your being the whole of reality. 

Why should you come to a fraction of reality when you can obtain the whole of reality? 

Therefore, it is said sahasraśīrṣā puruṣaḥ (Purusha Sukta 1).

Here is the great goal of life. This is the essence of all culture which unites all races, all religions and faiths, and makes you a friend of everybody. You cannot but be a friend of everyone if this secret is to enter your personality and become the guiding line of your day-to-day activity.




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