The Science of the Inner Life 1- 4 & 5. by Swami Krishnananda
==================================================================== ==================================================================== Friday, December 24, 2021. 8:00. PM. 1.INTRODUCTION : 4 & 5. ==================================================================== 4.THE SOUL AND ITS CHARIOT : The conscious principle within is the lord of the chariot. The body is the chariot, the intellect is the charioteer or the driver, the mind is the reins, the senses are the horses, the objects of the senses are the roads. This chariot is useful either to drive down or drive up. The body is dragged by the horses of the senses in different directions. The driver is responsible for the movement of the chariot, and this is the intellect, which can either understand or misunderstand, and consequently either ascend with the chariot to the Abode of Vishnu or fall down to the mortal state. Whatever is done through this body, consciously, is done, ultimately, by the intellect. It is the princip...