


1. In order to ask the second boon promised here, Naciketas is glorifying theb life in the higher plane of Consciousness, called the Heavens.

2. In establishing the greatness of Heaven, Naciketas adopts the method of comparing it with the sorrows of the world.

3. Heaven is comparatively without fears, since life in that plane of Conscious-existence is longer, compared to the fleeting span of existence in this mortal plane.

4. Hence Naciketas declares to Lord  of Death, "You are not there."

5. This is not an absolute truth; even for those who live in the Heavens there is mortality: their career ends when they exhaust the merits they had gained while they were living in the mortal plane during their previous embodiments.

6. Man has five stages to live through in life : birth, childhood, youth, old age, and death.

7. But the Devas have only the first three stages.

8. And hence Naciketas says: "Nor, do they fear old age in there,"

9. Not only, have they none of the pains of old age or death but also, they have neither the agonies of hunger and thirst under which the ordinary mortals suffer through their span of existence here.

10. In olden days Death was not considered so ferocious and threatening  a Lord of Bereavement, as in the later period.

11. In earlier portions of the Vedas, Lord Death is considered as a guide who takes men to the doors of Heaven! By the time of the Katha ( Kathopanisad), this bright and joyous faith has passed away.     


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