1. Naciketas father 'Gautama' was busy in distributing the cows to the priests.

2. Naciketas visibly upset with his own confusions within. He is not able to reach the sacred meaning of his father's actions. 

3. He is anxious that his father  who is performing the Yajna with desire should attain its fulfillment. 

4. But in his knowledge of the Sastras he knew that the sacrifice called 'Visvajita'  be fully potent only when the performer sacrifices everything he possesses.

5. Naciketas thought in his childish immaturity "But somehow, due to some sense of attachment and delusive feeling and his father decided to make some compromises with the Sastras and promoted his own will."

6. Here Naciketas reads a sure tragedy in store for his father in future.

7. The young boy, overcome by his sense of duty towards his father, walks up to the old man who is busily engaged in the distribution of cows,and enquires : "Father, to whom  will thou give me?"

8. The yajna performed being 'Visvajita' the performer is bound to give away in charity all that he owns as his own.

9. Naturally, the son approaches the father offering himself as a happy sacrifice.

10. Certainly, no father has a right to give away his son without his consent merely  to gain for himself a great Realm of Experience.

11. He said again and again and again  for the third time  when the enraged father said: "Unto Death do I give thee."


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