The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.9 - Swami Krishnananda.

Sunday, August 02, 2020. 4:27. AM.
Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -9. 

The senses are not properly united with their objects in ordinary sense perception. Actually, what we call sense contact is only a sense repulsion. Our loves are not really loves; affections are not affections. They are diseases of the mind. All our longings, cravings, affections and loves are diseases, and are not healthy attitudes. Sometimes illness also may bring a satisfaction, such as eczema which may cause some joy by scratching it. But eczema is an illness only; it is not a joy merely because we scratch and find satisfaction.

All sense satisfaction is an itching of the senses, which we are scratching and feel that we are satisfied. Actually, the senses do not come in contact with the objects. They are repelled by the objects. And when an electric current repels us, we feel a sensation. This sensation it is that we are interpreting as pleasure or pain. Pleasures and pains are electrical repulsions caused by the presence of objects in respect of our senses, and they are neither pleasant nor unpleasant. They are impersonal occurrences taking place.

The senses cannot come in real contact with the objects because there is a thing called space-time which prevents the union of things. The very purpose of space and time is to separate things. Space is the factor that divides objects, and as long as space hangs like a curtain in front of us, it will not permit us to come in real contact or union with the objects. So we never come in real union with our beloved. We are always outside. Therefore, there is bereavement. We cannot possess anything in this world because the space-time complex will not permit possession. Yet we crave. Why do we crave in spite of the inability to fulfill the craving? This is because of a double activity that is taking place in our personality due to our placement in two realms of being: the phenomenal and the noumenal.

To be continued ...



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