The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 10. - Swami Krishnananda.


Friday, August 14, 2020. 4.04 . PM.

Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -10. 



The phenomenal involvement of our personality in the space-time complex prevents our real union with the objects of the senses. Therefore, there is bereavement, sorrow, death, destruction, suffering in this world. But the craving persists nevertheless because we also belong to the noumenal world which presses itself forward for union with its own self as an immanent reality pervading all things.


So while our intention is pious, the method that we are adopting is impious. The desire that we have for union with the objects in our affections and loves is not basically morbid or undesirable. The method that we are adopting is erroneous. There is a wrong notion in the mind that objects are outside the senses and external to our personality. I have tried to mention this earlier that we are not outside the world and the world is not outside us. So the question of coming in contact in a spatial sense does not arise as long as it is true that we are not outside the objects.


Yet we cannot love a thing unless it is outside us. We cannot love our nose and kiss it every day because it is us. We do not embrace our own arms: “My dear arm, how are you, my beloved?” We do not say “my dear beloved” to this arm, though it is very beloved, of course. Our beloved is something which is not us, which is outside us, which we cannot get in three periods of time. We are, therefore, fools of the first water.


Thus it is that we are suffering from birth to death. Our beloveds cannot be obtained by us. We are tantalised by the appearances which we are wanting to obtain, possess and enjoy, but we can never have. The world deceives us, if at all we may say it is deception, because of the involvement of a peculiar arrangement called space-time which eludes our grasp and yet persists in acting contrary to our wishes. This is the travesty of involvement in phenomenal existence. By phenomenon, I mean involvement in externality; and space-time is nothing but that.

To be continued ....



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