The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad : 4.11. - Swami Krishnananda.

Monday, August 24, 2020. 7.06 . AM.
Chapter 4: Overcoming the Limitations of Space and Time -11.

But we are not merely phenomenal beings. “There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.” This is from Shakespeare. There is a divinity within us, though sometimes there is a devil also. The divinity is the noumenal reality persisting to come in contact with its own self as a pervading principle everywhere, which is the reason why we are perpetually desiring from day to day. Births and deaths are not a bar to the fulfilment of desires.

So the longing for the objects of sense, or the longing of any kind whatsoever, is basically motivated and impelled by the universality of the Supreme Being. But the impossibility to come in contact with it is due to our involvement in the phenomenal world of space-time, this bodily complex. Thus it is that we are tantalised from moment to moment, like the carrot that is hung in front of the nose of an ass, which it can never get though it moves forward because the carrot is also moving forward. It is like catching the horizon, which we can never reach because as we move towards the horizon, it goes further and further away from us. It is like a mirage. All that we love in this world is a mirage. When we go near it, it goes further and further, so that we die without getting it.

The necessity for self-control or sense control or mind control arises because of the fact that phenomenal contacts are not yoga. Yoga is noumenal union, called samadhi.

To be continued ....



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