The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.2. Swami Krishnana.



Tuesday, October 06, 2020. 8:47.  AM.

Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 2.



The world is an evil. Some doctrines tell us that the whole world is Satan’s kingdom. This is samsara; this is bondage. But the Kathopanishad says: atra brahma samasnute (Katha 3.3.14). The Absolute is realised here itself inside this very hall, in the very kitchen that we are dining, in the very bathroom that we are taking our toilet cleansing; that is the very spot where we enter into the bosom of God. The very hell that we are thinking in our mind is also the Vaikuntha into which we are going to enter.


How is all this possible? Samsara and moksha are supposed to be the same according to certain great teachings such as the Yoga Vasishtha and also the Madhyamika philosophy of Buddhism, which is a highly mystical doctrine of logical analysis. Nagarjuna, who wrote the Madhyamika Karika, emphasises throughout his writing that where hell is, there itself is heaven. Where there is sleep, there itself is waking. They are not two different worlds. They are two degrees or conditions of being, and not two different realms like the North Pole and the South Pole.


The objects are bondages when the senses erroneously try to commune themselves with them. The senses come in contact with the objects, but really they do not enter into them, or possess them. We cannot really enjoy anything in this world; we are catching hold of a shadow of a reality that is beyond us. When the shadow is grasped under the impression that it is the original, we are given a hint as to the way in which we can contact the original through the shadow. Because the shadow is cast by the original, we can move to the original through the shadow. The world is a shadow as well as the original combined at the same time. From one angle of vision it is bondage, samsara, hell, a shadow, and transitoriness par excellence. Nothing is real here; everything is passing. On the other side, everything is here. Eternity is dancing its tunes in this transitory panorama of the movement of the time process. At the heart of time is eternity. Within samsara is the Absolute. Inside our dream is waking, and within every grain of sand is a universe contained.

To be continued ....



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