The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.5 : Swami Krishnananda.



Friday, October 23, 2020. 8:15.  AM.

Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 4.


We may, for our understanding, compare these dancing marionettes to the shadows. The originals are the fingers. If the fingers do not move, the marionettes will not play, and according to the dance or the movement of the fingers, so is the movement or the dance of these marionettes.

Therefore, again we come to the point that we are doing nothing. Somebody else is doing everything. That Somebody is not outside us. Here is a very crucial, difficult point for us to understand. Our own originals are acting in 

 with the originality and the original archetype of the universe, which is the substance behind the objects of sense – ishvara-sristi, which is different from jiva-sristi. The world of God is not a bondage. The world of the jiva, the individual, is a bondage. Men, women, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, trees – these are enjoying a status of their own, and they exist independent of relations which are apparent social manoeuvres.


A human being is a human being, but to consider a human being as a father, a brother, a sister, a friend, an enemy, a boss, a subordinate, a this, a that, this is jiva-sristi. Any kind of psychological relationship is the individual’s world, but things taken as they are in their own way, from their own points of view and in their own status, that would be to enter into ishvara-sristi. The originals, the substances, are to be viewed from their own points of view and not from our own point of view. If I am to know you properly, I have to try to think as you think. I have to enter into your mind, operate through your mind, and be you rather than be myself as something outside you, looking upon you as this and that. You, from your own point of view, are neither this nor that. You are what you are, but you appear to be this or that to another. This anotherness is jiva-sristi, but each one is what one is from one’s own point of view.


Hence, the objects of the world become bondages, and the senses have to be withdrawn from them in the sense that what we call contact with objects is an artificial attempt to operate upon the mental perspective projected upon the objects in space and in time, which is what is called jiva-sristi. “Judge not lest ye be judged” is an old saying; to judge a thing is to place ourselves outside the thing, and this is jiva-sristi. When we are able to visualise a thing from its own point of view, we consider everything as an end in itself and not as a means to an end. This is a very advanced way of thinking where no one is a servant of another, no one is subservient to another, no one can be harnessed for the purpose of another, no one can be utilised for another’s purpose. Each one is what each one is. He is not something else.


To be continued ....



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