The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad - 5.3. Swami Krishnana.



Tuesday, October 06, 2020. 8:47.  AM.

Chapter-5.  Sannyasa – The Renunciation of Erroneous Notions - 3.



The objects of the world are to be approached with wisdom, like an electrical engineer touching live wires. Any kind of ignorance is not to be permitted here. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. We are suffering due to the ignorance of the law that operates in this world. We have mistaken one thing for another thing. Our individual wills do not work in consonance with the universal will. We have come out from the roots of our personality to the shadows that we are seeing. Again to come to the analogy of Plato, the shadows cast by originals in the caves he describes in The Republic are regarded as the originals by prisoners shackled by chains in a den which is dark, through which light cannot penetrate, where only the shadows can be seen and be mistaken for realities.


We are all the shadows cast by our own originals. All of us seated here are not originals of ourselves. Our originals are in higher realms. They are operating, and when they move it appears as if the shadow also moves. All things happen in the originals first. The activity is motivated in Brahmaloka, and it descends gradually into grosser and grosser forms of condensation until it appears as if we are moving here. We say a shadow is moving because the original is moving. If the original does not move, the shadow cannot move. All our movements and activities are the reflections of an original activity taking place in the centrality of the universe – the archetypes, as they are called.


Therefore, the universe is not a bondage if it is to be envisaged as its own reality and not as it appears. The world is what it is, and also what it appears. We cannot see the world as it is; we see the world only as it appears. When a marionette or a puppet show is demonstrated before us, we can see the movement of the puppets; but the marionettes move on account of the movements of the fingers of somebody else behind them who operates the strings in a dextrous manner.

To be continued ..



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