" 12-13: Beginning of spiritual instructions. Reality so deeply hidden can be experienced through ' Adyatma Yogam( Meditation on the Inner Self "



Mantram-12 and 13.

12     The wise man who, by means of concentration on the Self, realises that ancient, effulgent One, who is hard to be seen, unmanifest, hidden and who dwells in the buddhi and rests in the body—he, indeed, leaves joy and sorrow far behind.

"The wise sage, renounces joy and sorrows by means of meditation on the inner Self,  recognises the Ancient ( "Puranam"), who is difficult to be seen, is hidden in the cave of the heart, dwells in the obyss, is lodged in the intelligence and seated amidst miserable surroundings indeed. "

13     The mortal who has heard this and comprehended it well, who has separated that Atman, the very soul of dharma, from all 

 physical objects and has realised the subtle essence, rejoices because he has obtained that which is the cause of rejoicing. The Abode of Brahman, I believe, is open for Nachiketa. 

Having heard and well gasped this ( the Self), the mortal abstracting the virtuous Atma and attaining the subtle self ( this intangible Spirit), rejoices, because he has obtained that which is the cause for all rejoicing. I think that the abode of Brahmam is wide open for Naciketas.  


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