"Food for Death"



Mantram-21 to 25.

21     Though sitting still, It travels far; though lying down, It goes everywhere. Who but myself can know that luminous Atman who rejoices and rejoices not? 

 22 The wise man, having realised Atman as dwelling within impermanent bodies but Itself bodiless, vast and all— pervading, does not grieve. 

 23     This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals Its own form. 

 24     He who has not first turn away from wickedness, who is not tranquil and subdued and whose mind is not at peace, cannot attain Atman. It is realised only through the Knowledge of Reality. 

 25     Who, then, knows where He is—He to whom Brahmins and kshattriyas are mere food and death itself a condiment? 

Summary: How then realise Self? : IS it by-
Intellectuality, Scholarship, Education, Study, all these by themselves are in vain.
But to the purified, tranquil, collected Soul( Jeevatma ), the Supreme Soul (Paramatma), is realisable in intimate experience. All others, irrespective of their position or status, are food for death.   


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