" MANTRAM 7 TO 11- EXPLAIN: The Supreme Reality is amazing and difficult to understand through personal study of books. The importance of a real guru is explained. Yama accepts Naciketas as a disciple, compliments him, for the student has in one respect ( vairagya) excelled tha Master."



Mantram-7 to 11.

7     Many there are who do not even hear of Atman; though hearing of Him, many do not comprehend. Wonderful is the expounder and rare the hearer; rare indeed is the experiencer of Atman taught by an able preceptor. 

8     Atman, when taught by an inferior person, is not easily comprehended, because It is diversely regarded by disputants. But when It is taught by him who has become one with Atman, there can remain no more doubt about It. Atman is subtler than the subtlest and not to be known through argument.

9     This Knowledge cannot be attained by reasoning. Atman become easy of comprehension, O dearest, when taught by another. You have attained this Knowledge now. You are, indeed, a man of true resolve. May we always have an inquirer like you! 

10     Yama said: I know that the treasure resulting from action is not eternal; for what is eternal cannot be obtained by the non— eternal. Yet I have performed the Nachiketas sacrifice with the help of non—eternal things and attained this position which is only relatively eternal. 

11     The fulfilment of desires, the foundation of the universe, the rewards of sacrifices, the shore where there is no fear, that which adorable and great, the wide abode and the goal—all this you have seen; and being wise, you have with firm resolve discarded everything.


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